Wednesday, November 23, 2011

for the love of milk...part II

so - it turns out the wee one also didn't sit well with hypoallergenic formula (say what?!?) - so i called her dr - the one she has had for all 5 plus months of her life.... and he told me to just keep feeding it to her.  keep feeding her the stuff that caused blood in her stool. um, EXCUSE ME?!?!
no - that is not an option

so we found a new dr.  a dr that a close family friend used for her wee one (who is now not so wee at 6'5").  and we love him - he was informative and helpful and nice and all the things you want in a pediatrician. it is a bit of a hike for us to get to him - but it is worth it.

since she is mostly fed breast milk and i only needed the extra formula for a couple oz's only a couple of times a week we came to
the conclusion with our NEW dr to start her on solids.  they say to wait until 6 months to avoid her developing food allergies - but you know what?  the poor thing gets BLOOD in her stool from formula!!! and she has been eyeballing us eating like kings for weeks now! weeks i tell you!

we started with organic rice cereal (just to get her started) and she'll start sweet potatoes tomorrow - and she's happy.  she loves eating - and there is enough milk for her at the end of the day - and my stress level has gone way down

and we got a great new dr we can really trust

and all is well again

Friday, November 18, 2011

call us crazy

my sister and i are hosting thanksgiving with our WHOLE ENTIRE families.... and i mean moms, dads, in laws, step parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, babies, toddlers, and a big kid too

and not just her in laws but mine as well

this should be interesting.....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

For the love of milk...

The wee one is almost strictly fed breast milk - but there have been times where I need to sub in formula b/c I just couldn't keep up. Turns out she's allergic to regular and soy formula.... So we bought the super expensive hypoallergenic kind. And, well, here are lou's thoughts in it...

how do working mom's do it???

seriously? how do they do it? i sat at the train station and watched 2 trains head towards work while i sat there crying... i eventually got on one - but jeebus it was hard. (and thank heavens for giant sunglasses!!)

i get it - lou staying with a sitter helps her not be so dependent on me and she'll (hopefully) get socialized - but it sucks. i want to be the one to soothe her and feed her and play with her - i want to be the one she goes to b/c she knows me better than anybody else.

i do admit that there are days i like going to work and getting a "break" - that it's nice to not have to figure out what's wrong when she's crying... but 5 days of 9-5 is just too much for me...

i have to do it though - to pay off debt and save for a house - b/c we want our daughter to live in a house - have a backyard to play with her animals in - have a doorway where we mark her height - have a home to come HOME to when she's on break from college... have a home that we can truly have as ours and hers.

I'm doing it to better myself, our marriage, and especially my daughter - she is worth everything and more - but as i said before THIS SUCKS!